Our friendly and expert staff is happy to help you through the entire process. On top of all that, there’s no equivalent to PowerMax in the PC world.
With the Mac, it’s much easier to narrow down your search quickly, PLUS, be assured you’re getting a well-made and well-respected product, included being loaded with a whole bunch of great software you’d have to buy extra on a PC. When you have so many choices, not only of manufacturers, but bells and whistles and speeds and sizes, it’s almost impossible to know whether you’re getting the right, or best, deal. We tried shopping for a PC just to compare, and after about 15 minutes our eyes glazed over.
All you have to do is compare the value of a Windows PC from, say, three years ago (which is often close to zero), and compare that to what you can get for your 3-year-old Mac. When you calculate the cost of ownership in that way, Macs win easily. It’s the difference between those two numbers that really tells you what your computer costs to own. But the true cost of ownership should be calculated based on not only the acquisition cost, but the residual value after you sell it or trade it in. Sure, you can buy a Windows PC for fewer up-front dollars. Macs are actually cheaper in the long run SEE THE BEST PRICES ON NEW MACS ON AMAZONġ. In any case, here follows a list of differentiators… if nothing else, these are reasonable arguments as to why you should consider buying a Mac.
“Better” is of course a subjective term for instance, while Macs are generally acknowledged to be easier to use, if you’re a long-time Windows user the first time you sit in front of a Mac, it certainly won’t seem that way. There is a never-ending debate as to whether Macs are “better” than PC’s.